Friday, 26 August 2011

You need Kleancolor Chunky Holo Black!

See how the big holo pieces reflect red, yellow and green even in the shade? Awesome :) This looks great no matter what light you are in, and thats why I love this so much. This is just one coat of Kleancolor Chunky Holo Black as well, and it wasn't hard to get the holo pieces out either. It has a brown/black tinted smokey base colour in it so you can layer it over other colours and it will darken them a bit. This is over black, I put this over the Glitter Gal Black holo hoping the holo would show through underneath but you can't see it because of the tinted base. Others have said the smell of Kleancolors puts them off, but it doesn't bother me I guess I'm used to it. It goes away when it is dry anyway :)
I got this and others from and I found they have fast shipping and everything was well wrapped, and these cost $1.75 each. I have had 2 packages from BeautyJoint and nothing was ever damaged or missing, so I will buy from them again :)


  1. awesome! this looks great!!!

  2. I just bought some from Beauty Joint a few days back. I'm excited for mine to arrive. But I didn't get this one!! If I manage to find some extra money on my crazy budget, this will have to be my first purchase. Soooo pretty

  3. So amazing! I have the Kleancolor polish. I put it over dark purple and it turned out great!

  4. That would look nice :D I need to try it over a green
