Ah Revlon Sunshine Sparkle... I had high hopes but this has to be possibly the worst nail polish I have tried. It looks pretty in the bottle, a cute pastel yellow with some light silver shimmer. But go to apply it and the nightmare begins :/ this is 5 coats, all went on streaky and painfully. It bubbles. It never EVER dries. It is a bit chalky and the colour on me looks really bad. Much worse in person... Sometimes Revlon has amazing nail polishes, I have tried many one and two coaters that look stunning from them. But this one makes me wonder - how can they approve this for sale knowing the formula is so bad. Unfortunately from seeing other blogs they think the same of this polish so my bottle can't be the only terrible one :(
I am curious to know, how have your experiences been with yellows and do you know of any good ones to recommend? All the ones I have tried are at least 3 coats if I'm lucky, and often bad application. If anyone knows a 2 coater yellow that is gorgeous please pass on the name :) I am on a search!
It's a pretty color, too bad it gave you so much trouble!